Friday 24 May 2013

Views on Tom Robinsons Case.

The Tom Robisnons case is a very controversial topic within Maycomb county it has distinguished the judgmental from the courageous, and the friends from the foes. There are many reasons as to why Atticus feels he has to feels he has to defend Tom;

"The main one is if I didn't I couldn't hold my head up in town, I couldn't even tell you or Jem to do something again."

We can tell that he is taking this case very seriously because he feels passionate about making everyone feel welcome in the tight knit community. Atticus isn't just fighting for Tom Robinson, he is fighting for the rights of black people and for them to have the equality that they deserve as humans, he is about the only person in the county who is not prejudice.However, there are some people that are beginning to feel threatened by the fact that a man who is well known throughout Maycomb is taking the courage to go against his friends and fight for what is right.

"This time we aren't fighting the Yankees we're frighting our friends"

One person in particular who is under the influence of his father strong view point is Cecil Jacobs this is the first encounter of any racial comments.It is ironic that from such a young age he is already confidentiality using the term "niggers" which would suggest that he is constantly surrounded by people using the word that he has become desensitized to the effect it has on people.

"My folks said your daddy was a disgrace an' that nigga oughta hang from the water tank."

Another person that has the imprinted negative view on black people is Francis Hancock aged only 8. It is interesting how Francis Lee introduces Mayombs prejudice ways with the children first, which really reflects  that the community is so against "Niggers" that they also make sure their children have the same view. Francis  labels Atticus a "Nigger-lover" which encourages Scout to become really angry and lash out at him. 

We then find out the this view is even present with the older generations, including Mrs Dubose. One day she tells the children that Atticus is not any better than the "Niggers and trash he works for." Despite these harsh words Atticus still tells Jem to show her respect and act like a gentleman to the crotchety old lady.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you have set out your post, and the ideas are great
