Tuesday 21 May 2013

cheeky children.

The clock struck 5, the day started to draw out and the evening sunset returned.Every month  Helen would spend the day at her nan's accompanied by a friend. The adventures that had taken place in such a small space amazed her; jumping from cloud to cloud, tying not to get burned by lava and hide from the big friendly giants. Helen begged her nan that dinner goes on half hour earlier, to lessen the grumbles coming from her tummy. Both Helen and her friend watched in awe as the oven fired up, the humongous oven gloves were pulled on, and in went the baking tray. We were instructed to stand well back, as this was one risky mission...

"dinners ready" called Helens nan, and before she knew it they were at the table knives and forks in hand ready to devour anything that was put in front of them. They were presented with a plate full of golden crispy smilies making them smile too.Until eventually only 4 remained  "you can have them", insisted Helen however her friend flatly refused and Helen knew she couldn't possibly eat them. "well what shall we do then? we don't get a dessert  unless we eat everything!" explained Helen knowing fully well that a clean plate was the ticket to receive 3 generous scoops of ice cream along with an endless bottle of chocolate sauce. Many devious ideas were going round her head from feeding her Nan's dog smudge to throwing them on the roof, however they were soon scrapped as they couldn't risk an ounce of suspicion entering Helens Nan's head.

Dessert stomachs were grumbling when Helen decided it was time to take immediate action. "Lydia quickly pass me that toy over there" without questioning her orders Helens friend immediately passed her the round toy. Lydia remained quiet but watched in pure amazement as what looked like a plain round toy actually made a rather clever hiding place to shove the last four unwanted potato smiley faces in.As if things couldn't get any worse, Helen decided to throw the circle shaped toy, filled with the unwanted remains of dinner, into the nicely pruned hedge at the bottom of the garden.Feeling smug she sat back knowing that there was a garunteed chance that dessert would be on the table in 10 minutes.

"I hope to see empty plates!" said Helens Nan as she came walking from the kitchen to the outside table  where the cheeky children sat looking a bit too pleased with themselves. She didn't believe the sight that met her eyes "well I am impressed" she convinced them knowing fully well that they'd probably fed the last few to smudge the dog, "well I suppose I better serve the ice cream!"

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